Research & Development


Ceit is a non-profit research centre, created on the initiative of the University of Navarra in 1982, whose main task is to carry out industrial projects of applied research, in close collaboration with the R&D departments of companies.

Ceit promotes excellence in applied research through the publication of non-confidential results and participation in scientific and technical dissemination forums, as well as doctoral training in the framework of industrial research projects.

Ceit collaborates with companies in various sectors (railway, aeronautics, automotive, health, manufacturing, energy or environment) and tries to understand all aspects involved in the business of its customers, promoting high value added solutions through applied research projects. In addition to offering innovative solutions to its clients, it trains young researchers oriented to join and bring value to the production system.

Ceit offers the following solutions in the offshore wind sector:

  • Comprehensive solutions that will enable OWF operators to perform accurate predictive maintenance in the future with the goal of reducing operating and maintenance costs and increasing the annual removable power of renewable resources at sea.
  • Monitoring systems capable of detecting remotely the physical parameters of interest using magnetic field or ultrasound sensors and advanced signal processing techniques, e.g. the level of corrosion in exact points of the tower (splash zone) to achieve a remote predictive maintenance that significantly reduces maintenance costs without increasing the probability of operational failures.


09. Research & Development
Academic Institution
Technology Services



Paseo de Manuel Lardizábal, nº 15, 20018, Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa