Ente Vasco de la Energía
Operator, Support Organisation


The Basque Government created in 1982 the Basque Energy Agency (EVE) and laid the foundations for an energy policy that has been based with different weight at different times, on energy efficiency, diversification of our energy sources and the promotion of renewable energies.

Since then, EVE has been the energy agency responsible for developing projects and initiatives in line with the policies defined by the Government.

EVE is the energy agency of the Basque Government whose mission is:

· To propose the Energy Strategies of the Basque Country, under the criteria of guarantee of supply, competitiveness in costs, sustainability and technological development.

· Participate actively in their development and contribute to the achievement of the objectives defined therein.

EVE is the main partner of the marine testing platform, BiMEP, and also of the company Aixeindar, created in collaboration with Iberdrola for the deployment of wind farms in the Basque Country.

In addition, EVE subsidizes the testing of offshore power generation devices at BiMEP through its aid programs.


01. Design Development & Financing
04. Operations & Maintenance
07. Equipment, Tooling & Consumables
08. Support Services
Certification & Due Diligence (planning)
Energy Conservation
Legislation & Regulations
Publications & Technical Manuals
Publications & Technical Manuals
Publications & Technical Manuals



Alameda de Urquijo, 36 – 1º Edificio Plaza Bizkaia, 48011, Bilbao, Bizkaia