Metalships & Docks is a Shipyard in Vigo, NW Spain, which has been devoted to Shipbuilding and Shiprepairs, uninterruptedly, for over 25 years.
In the Repairs Division it has completed over a thousand jobs for shipowners worldwide. The scope of the jobs ranged from single cut-and-shave works to the most complicated conversions of all types: renewal of propulsion packages, installation of new main and auxiliary engines, machinery works, repair of steam boilers, lengthening of vessels, new accommodation blocks, fish processing plants, etc
Vessels of practically all services have been at the Shipyard: Offshore, Reefers, Container Vessels, Tankers, Bulkers, LPG vessels, fishing vessels, special ships, ferries, yachts, etc
With regards to its New Building Division, the portfolio deca durabolin met andere steroïden of the Yard has consisted mainly of offshore vessels, the speciality of the builder, also fishing vessels, ferries and our current new building, Sea Cloud Spirit, a passenger Cruise Sailing Vessel of 138m loa, for German Owner.
Good planning, excellent project management, careful logistics control and impeccable timely execution are the strengths that have made Metalships a worldwide reference for special and complex ships.