Training & Education


Tknika is a centre promoted by the Office of the Deputy Minister for Vocational Training of the Department of Education of the Basque Government.

Tknika, whose fundamental axis is research and applied innovation, works every day with the aim of putting vocational training in the Basque Country at the forefront of Europe.

Through networking, and with the involvement of professional training teachers, this Centre, which has as a benchmark the most advanced models in the world, develops innovation projects related to the technological, training and management fields.

Tknika’s mission is to make research and applied innovation the backbone of vocational training in the Basque Country, to advance in new learning environments and processes and reduce the competition gap from the moment an idea or a technology arises until society benefits from it.

Through surveillance and competitive intelligence, the design, development, deployment and transfer of innovative and high-value-added products and services to and from vocational training centres to the business sector. Through a dynamic open to collaboration and partnership building, fostering networking, teamwork, creativity and sustainability.

Its vision is to be the European reference in the application of advanced practices of capillary transfer of knowledge to the business fabric, through vocational training centres


09. Research & Development
Academic Institution
Technology Services



Zamalbide Auzoa z/g, 20100, Errenteria, Gipuzkoa